Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wed night in Ethiopia

I just spoke with Sergio. The embassy appointment went well today. Sergio was able to sign the paperwork for Beza which means as soon as her test is done on May 22, she'll be ready to come home!
Eventhough it has been really hard for me to stay home while Sergio is in Ethiopia I am beginning to see how it really was the right choice. We have had such a good week with Le'oul. He has only lost it a few times and was able to recover fairly quickly when he did. The amount of bonding we've had over the past week has been amazing and eventhough I know we still have a long road ahead of us, it has been so nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am so thankful God brought Le'oul into our family and after hearing about the rough day Sergio had with the boys yesterday (I won't post details on the blog) I can see how God has used Le'oul to prepare us for the boys. A year ago, if Sergio had to deal with those type of behaviors we would have thought we made a huge mistake, but when I asked him if he was at all worried about bringing the boys home he was able to say "NO way, these boys are a perfect match for our family and I can't wait to bring them home." And it isn't just Sergio and I that God has prepared. It is so comforting to hear Mateo say, "Mom, it's okay if one of the boys hits me because they haven't had a mom or dad to teach them so it might take awhile for them to learn that's not okay." My 6 yr old understands that these boys have missed out on so much, and that they are not "bad" kids just because they may have some "bad" behaviors. He KNOWS he will likely be hit or have a toy broken more than once and he is STILL so EXCITED for them to join our family. This means so much to me because we don't have ANY issues with hitting in our family yet, so it is not something Mateo is used to.
I am so thankful for God's love, for His love that shines through my kids, for His love that makes it possible to join two families from two different continents and make them one, and for His love that can take all the pain and suffering and HEAL it and use it for good, changing not only the hurt, but also the people around them.


Bonnie said...

oh Amen to that.

Andrea Hill said...

Very nicely written Laci. It all will be good and the boys will have some time to settle in before Beza gets there.

Melinda said...

So happy to hear. The harder times with our kids definitly make it easier each time we adopt. Can't wait to see you all united soon, with Beza coming home a little while later. I am sure it will be so hard for the girls to leave each other again, so you will all be in my prayers!