My apologies for taking so long to post, things are quite busy around here and I've been back to posting on FB because it's so much quicker.
Things are going well, it's just very chaotic. You would think having 7 kids in the home would have been busy but up til now our home has usually been very laid back. Nati and Ahbel are definitely keeping us all on our toes. They are good kids and we've seen lots of good things these past few days but if you can imagine having two toddlers who drink coffee all day rather than milk you will begin to imagine the energy level we have now! Both boys are just in the testing stage, testing to see how things like lights and DVD players work, testing to see what they can get away with, testing to see if they beg 500 times for the same thing if I'll finally give in and give them what they want! I've been very emotional I think just from being so tired and I almost cried today when Sergio was going to run errands and didn't want to take the boys with him. I don't feel frustruated with them I just needed some peace for awhile. Sergio ended up taking the boys and a few girls with him, I vaccumed and mopped the floors, switched the laundry and got dinner going and was so happy to see the kids when they got back.
All the kids are getting along very well, they all play together. Le'oul is doing a wonderful job of being the oldest brother. He is a natural leader and seems to be thriving with his new role. I gave him a hug today and told him "I don't think either one of us would ever imagine that you would be considered one of the calm kids, but praise God, He works everything out for good.!" We both had to laugh at the thought of it!
Nati and Ahbel are both cuddly and come to me many times during the day for affection, they have really good eye contact, and apologize on their own when they do something wrong. These are all really good signs of them having the ability to attach. Nati is also very compassionate and always gives hugs and tries to cheer people up when they are sad.
I'm too tired to write anything else but here are some pictures from the past week. I'll post pics from Ethiopia some other time hopefully.