Saturday, September 6, 2008

How things are going now!

Well, just in case anyone is still checking my blog, I thought I should post some kind of an update. I've meant to do it many times over the last few weeks but it just never happened.
Things are going really well. We have good days and not so good days, and good hours and tough hours but I still can't believe how much better things have gotten just since the last time I posted.
Some of the things that are better:
Our child who was having angry outbursts not only gets angry less often but now stays angry for only a few minutes and I wouldn't even call it an outburst anymore!

The picky eater is now eating what we eat for dinner. (Not everything we eat but at least one thing we are having without much sulking) They even tried chicken nuggets tonight and liked them!
Leul is doing much better with Olivia. He still needs his body space but when she's hanging on him he's figured out that if he gives her some quick loving she'll leave him alone!

Tonight Leul and Hana actually danced together! It's the first time they've touched eachother since we've been home.

I have no kids sleeping on my floor tonight. (Honestly, I kind of like having my kids on the floor once in awhile but it's nice to know it's not mandatory anymore.)

Sergio and I both received our first hugs initiated from Leul a few days ago. I even got a goodnight kiss. I was tucking him in and he sat straight up in bed and told me he wanted a kiss on the lips! (Usually I kiss him on the forehead when I put him to bed)

The kids are both learning the rules and they are getting that sulking and disobeying don't fly in our home, therefore they are testing less and less every day.

Tonight while I had 4 kids all talking/shouting at me at once my almost 7 year old daughter shouted louder than anyone, "God only gave Mom one brain and two ears and one mouth so everybody let's be quiet and only one of us talk at a time." (Finally my little talks are sinking in!)

I'm still exhausted some days, and depending on when you talk to me you might hear a not quite so positive explanation of how we're doing, but over all things really are going well. I am truly amazed at the strength and courage of all my kids.

1 comment:

Malissa P. said...

Hi, I do check your blog every few days...just wanted to let you know you have a fan. :-) Don't get as many updates as I would enjoy BUT...I know you have your hands FULL!
By the way...I live in Fairview, OR.